​What is Multiply?
Multiply is a free adult numeracy programme, funded by the UK Government via the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, aimed at improving adult numeracy skills and confidence with numbers. Unlike formal mathematics qualifications, Multiply is designed to be more accessible and less formal, with learning encouraged to take place around fun and innovative activities.
What Multiply activities have Actes Trust delivered?
To date, Actes Trust, funded locally by Hartlepool Council, has delivered two Multiply provisions in Middlesbrough, and are currently in the process of delivering our third;
Delivery Round 1
In 2023 we delivered 'Bullseye' - a short numeracy activity built around utilising maths within the sport of darts, and in particular the game of 501.
Delivery Round 2
In 2023 we also delivered 'Your Money and You' - a short course designed to develop numeracy skills so that people can budget and manage money effectively, and develop digital skills so that they can access online services that can help them save money and become more financially stable.
Delivery Round 3
In 2024, we commenced delivery on Work IT Out 2, a short course that helps Middlesbrough residents to increase their numeracy ability and develop the necessary skills to progress closer towards employment, education or training.
How can I refer myself for support?
If you would like to receive support via our Multiply provision, please contact Nick Morton on: 07903 730 376 or via email: nick.morton@actes.co.uk​​​​​