actes trust
2001 - 2025
Since our Inception in 2001, we have delivered projects and programmes to over 25,000 local people.
The below timeline showcases our most prominent and important work along with our organisational achievements and milestones.
Launched - as WMNT (West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust)

Opened the Resource Centre

Began operating as a charity
With the New Deal for Communities entering into its final years, we started to look at ways to continue our work and expand our focus post 2010 and therefore commenced operating and delivering our first projects as a charity in 2008.
Opened the Acklam Green Centre

WMNT wins the top national prize at the inaugural Stop Loan Sharks Awards for WORK project

Changed our name to Actes Trust
As our project delivery and positive impact was now extending beyond West Middlesbrough, we moved away from the name 'West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust' to become known as 'Actes Trust'
Trending Wins the Community Health Development Award at the Royal Society For Public Health
Health & Wellbeing Awards
Finalist in the ERSA Employability Awards for 'Outstanding Contribution to the Employment Support Sector'
Awarded a Civic Community Award for 'Improving Employment Opportunities for Residents'
Winner of 'Quality Mark Centre of the Year' award at the AIM Empowering Futures Awards for the positive impact of our Past, Present & Your Future provision
Re-branded as...
..and created our brand new website
Projects Timeline
New Deal for Communities
Started delivering exciting new projects





West Middlesbrough Works - jobs brokerage scheme/employability project.
Safer Homes Project - fitting basic security measures in homes across Middlesbrough.
To Hell with the Butt - health project that supported young people living in Middlesbrough to stop smoking.
​​​​Volunteering into Work - funded by Middlesbrough Council, we supported over 100 unemployed people into voluntary work placements.
AIM Project - Youth employment programme aimed at engaging and supporting 16-19 year olds onto programmes that can prepare them for employment.
Youth Employment & Debt Advice (YEDA) - Money management and employability programme aimed at young people across Middlesbrough and Stockton.​​​
Middlesbrough Enterprise Gateway - Delivered eBay enterprise workshops to 50 people in Middlesbrough.
In2Work - Employment programme that engaged and supported unemployed Stockton residents into employment.
Just 4 Youth Urgent Care Research Project - Research project commissioned to discover the reasons why 16-19 year olds inappropriately use urgent care services.​​​​
Positive Minds - Partnership project that supported 40 people mentally impacted by redundancy back into work.
Actes Work Clubs - The launch of our Middlesbrough-wide work clubs.
WORK - Award winning Middlesbrough-based project that tackled illegal lending/loan sharks.
Pace & Purpose - Middlesbrough-wide employability programme delivered in partnership with Hartlepool College of FE and Middlesbrough Council.​
​School Uniform Support - Grant scheme delivered alongside four local primary schools, which provided school uniform grants to financially-insecure parents.​
B Prepared - Short course that helped Middlesbrough-based claimants better understand welfare reform and improve their IT and money-management skills.
Speak Out Be Heard - Research programme themed around understanding young people's barriers to unemployment in Redcar & Cleveland.
​Talent Match - 5-year partnership programme that worked with 457 long-term unemployed young people in Middlesbrough to overcome complex barriers, supporting 179 into employment in the process.
Market Yourself - Short Level One accredited employability course delivered to over 1,000 people aged 25+ who had been unemployed for over six months.
Know Your Money - 4-year money management programme, that helped over 3,000 young people in Middlesbrough to save over a combined £2.5m in reduced outgoings.​
​HeadStart Community Offer - Community engagement work supporting the Big Lottery funded HeadStart programme in Middlesbrough.
ESOL for Work - Work based language and employability support for Polish and Czech nationals residing in Middlesbrough.
Wheels of Opportunity - Short course aimed at improving the skills, motivation and employment prospects of 19-24 year olds in Middlesbrough.
Inspire - Life coaching and employment support project working with 49 long-term unemployed ex-offenders, securing work placements for 15 learners and sustained employment for 14.
​​​​​​​Ageing Better Middlesbrough Peer Friendship - Peer Friendship community support project that worked with people aged 50 and over who were lonely and isolated.
Help 2 Work - Short course that empowered unemployed people to independently search and apply for work and move closer to the labour market.
Unclaimed Benefits & Hub Service - Collaborative money management initiative designed to help people make sure they were claiming the correct benefits.
Help Through Crisis - Partnership programme that provided support to people facing hardship and crisis.
​​​​Firm Foundations - 5-year programme that provided support to people facing hardship and crisis.​
New Directions YEI - 7-year Youth Employment Initiative that supported 666 NEET young people into employment, education or training.
One Planet Pioneers - 5-year environmental programme that aimed to develop the skills of young people through environmental activities and climate action.​
Refresh - Life coaching and practical training project aimed at offenders within HMP Holme House.
Trending - Award-winning new concept clothing bank that provided good quality free clothing to disadvantaged people living in Middlesbrough.
Defining Futures - Level 2 accredited employability course aimed at young people living in Middlesbrough.
Work IT Out - Accredited Employability and basic IT course that helped job-seekers to navigate their online Universal Credit accounts and progress closer to the labour market.
Free Your Potential - Short course that helped people in Middlesbrough to rebuild their confidence, build resilience and overcome personal and social barriers to help them move forward with their lives.
​Climate Action Middlesbrough - 5 year National Lottery funded partnership programme that aims to involve local people in climate action and reduce Middlesbrough's carbon footprint.
Getting Ready 4 Work - Short employability programme that helped job-seekers and was delivered remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Past, Present & Your Future - Award-winning short course that helps Middlesbrough and Stockton residents with convictions to become more confident about disclosing their conviction(s) to employers.
Green Shoots - Environmental project that engaged disadvantaged local people in practical action to improve our green environment.
Basic IT - Basic IT course that helped Stockton residents to build IT skills and confidence so that they could navigate a computer.
Peer Action Collective - Research/art project that worked with people who have experienced racism to explore the link between racism and violence.
Herbs for Health - Short practical course designed to connect Middlesbrough residents with nature by teaching them how to safely identify and forage herbs/weeds.
Bullseye - Short numeracy course themed around the game of darts, delivered as part of the UK Government's Multiply programme.
Your Money and You - Short numeracy course themed around budgeting and money management, delivered as part of the UK Government's Multiply programme.
Work IT Out 2 - Short numeracy course themed around employability, delivered as part of the UK Government's Multiply programme.
Middlesbrough Youth Mutual - Partnership project that exists to support the sustainability of high-quality youth provision across Middlesbrough.
Unlock Your Potential - Short confidence building course that helps Middlesbrough residents to rebuild their confidence, build resilience and overcome personal and social barriers to help them move forward with their lives.
Launched as West Middlesbrough Neighbourhood Trust to commence delivery on 'New Deal for Communities' - a ten-year regeneration programme led by the UK government to improve the quality of life in some of England's most deprived neighbourhoods. We were one of 14 pathfinders nationally tasked with bringing about the regeneration of their neighbourhoods and were awarded £52m to deliver on this task within West Middlesbrough.